Simple Living in 10 Steps

A simple life means different things to different people. In general, simple living can be achieved by living according to what you value.

There are many ideas associated with living simply. Among them include:

Other lifestyles that are based on simple living include the tiny house movement, slow living, intentional living and embracing spirituality. To better understand the idea of living with simplicity, let’s consider the synonyms of the word. Some synonyms for simple are:

  • Clean
  • Quiet
  • Smooth
  • Straightforward
  • Effortless

Think about things that would make your life smoother, quieter, cleaner, more straightforward, and more effortless. Another helpful way to understand simple living is to consider the antonyms for simplicity. Some antonyms for simple include:

  • Complicated
  • Difficult
  • Unclear
  • Cluttered
  • Complex

Reflect on the things that complicate your life or make your life more difficult. But be mindful that not everything that’s complicated is necessarily bad. Challenges in life can be good for helping us to grow, such as:

The goal of simple living is mainly to eliminate the difficult things that aren’t doing us any good. Here are a few examples:

  • A house that’s expensive and hard to maintain that we barely spend time in.
  • Working at a difficult high-paying job that we have no passion for
  • Spending time with people we don’t like just to avoid being lonely

It’s better to live in a space that fits with our lifestyle and serves our needs. It’s better to have a job we really like, and it’s better to enjoy our own company rather than be around those who bring us down.

History of Simple Living

The idea of a simple living has been shared in a number of different religious and secular teachings and from many well-known historical figures. The Bible states in Proverbs 13:7, “There is one who pretends to be rich but has nothing; Another pretends to be poor, but has great wealth.” Here are some other words said about simplicity:

Simple Living Quotes

Live simply so others may simply live” – Gandhi

“Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Things do not change, we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.” -Henry David Thoreau

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” -Buddha

“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” – Lao Tzu

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Additionally, there are groups today that voluntarily choose simple living today, such as the Amish and the Mennonites. When you read about these people who live in such an old-school, less modern way, it’s kind of inspiring.

Present-day simplicity

Hammock with ocean background simple living

In modern times, people have focused more on a simpler life through the minimalist movement, started by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. They released a popular documentary titled “Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things,” which helped to skyrocket the movement into pop culture prominence.

This new age version of simple living has spawned off into many other versions of simplicity such as the Konmari Method, Digital Minimalism, and Hygge. Here are some ways you can start living a simpler life today.

10 Ways To Practice Simple Living

1. Be a minimalist

White table, white wall, black chair, simple living

Being a minimalist is all about simplifying one’s life. You eliminate items that you don’t truly enjoy and make room for the ones that you do.

You also prioritize your time around the relationships and experiences that matter most to you and decrease the ones that don’t matter much.

Get started through these 4 simple steps to becoming a minimalist.

Related: 6 Quick Tips to Clean Out Your Closet Fast

2. Focus more time on what’s meaningful to you

Mountain background simple living

The things that are meaningful to us are what makes all the inevitable challenges we face in life worth it.

Maybe you’ve lost sight of that in your life currently and you’re working to find a new direction.

Learn more about discovering what’s meaningful through embracing the philosophy of minimalism.

Related: What Priorities in Life Should We Have? (11 Examples)

3. Set a morning routine

Field of corn simple living

Having a morning routine allows you to begin your waking moments on a positive note. That can help you stay more motivated to accomplish what you want in your life.

Additionally, morning routines keep you more organized, so you’re wasting less of your time in the day. When you wake up early with a plan already in place, life is a lot easier.

Here are a few ideas for starting your day off right.

4. Enjoy relaxation

Ocean, girl in bikini sitting on beach, simple living

We’re often constantly on the go in life. Some of us only stop to rest when it’s time to sleep. Relaxation techniques have been proven to help us manage stress better, and thus, help us to be happier.

It’s an important part of self-care to soothe your mind and your body daily so you can be able to function at your best.

One technique you can read more about is Autogenic Training.

5. Be friendly

Friends sitting on grass, simple living

It’s not always easy to get along with people. But striving to be friendly with everyone can help you avoid unnecessary drama and give you more peace of mind.

It can also gain you friendships, romantic relationships, and other people who can support and encourage you in life.

Here are some tips on how to make people like you.

6. Practice positivity

Paper image that says choose joy, simple living tips

The world can be full of negativity around us. Choosing to spend most of your time being negative will only make your life more complicated.

Learn how to practice staying positive more. Make it a personal mission of yours to try to be optimistic and hopeful most of the time.

Related: How to Focus on the Good in 2020 and Stay Positive

7. Be confident and humble

Humble confident quote flowers, simple living

Confidence saves us from the difficulty of insecurity, and humility saves us from the difficulty of egotism. Learn more about how to be confident but humble.

Read some confidence quotes to inspire you to feel good about yourself and be your best.

8. Spend less

Dollar spend less frugal, simple living

Spending a lot can create a sense of concern about our own financial stability. By choosing to spend less, you’re able to save more and feel less stressed about your finances.

You also have more available to spend on items and experiences that you’ll deeply appreciate.

Related: 21 Benefits of Owning Less Stuff in 2021

9. Live in the moment

Sunset live in the present, simple living

Our minds can be constantly focused on things that haven’t happened yet or have already happened. The thoughts and feelings associated with those two things can often be negative.

You can be more at peace by enjoying the now more. Here are a few insights on living in the moment.

Related: Making Every Day Count – How To Make Each Day Matter

Related: How to Stop Worrying About the Future

10. Develop your social skills

Friends laughing and hugging simple living

A survey on voluntary simplicity found that 87% of people who were practicing the lifestyle felt happier than they did before they practiced it.

A part of why a simple life makes people happier is the resulting benefits that help to increase it in our lives. Among those benefits include:

  • Financial independence

You can read more about the benefits of simplicity in this article: Six science-backed benefits of living a simple life.

If you’re not sure how to get started, you can see if any of these tips can help you to be intentional about simplifying your life.

My simplicity practices

In striving to be simple in my lifestyle, there are a few practices that I try to follow in an attempt to make my life easier.

I’ve found in my experience that complications have arisen when I don’t.

1. Being direct

When I’m not direct with people about how I feel or think, that usually creates confusion or misunderstandings.

While sometimes it can feel uncomfortable to be honest about what’s on your mind, it’s better because people can better understand who you are and what you want.

2. Being calm

Managing my emotions helps me to respond to challenging situations better.

While stress and worry are natural and are things you should acknowledge if you’re experiencing them, you can manage them.

Here are resources that can help you.

3. Being disciplined

When you get something done sooner rather than later, you save time and give yourself the opportunity to do more in life.

Do your best to organize and schedule your day in a way that keeps you productive. You help yourself stress less and make time for more fun.

Related: Why Working Hard is Important (7 Advantages)

Final Thoughts

When you think about how to practice living simply, think about what’s complicated in your life right now. Ask yourself, how can you make that simpler?

Life doesn’t have to be as difficult as it may feel sometimes. Start by making a new choice that can make life easier for you.

Over time, you can develop a life that has more of the peace and happiness you desire.

Inspiring video on living a simpler life

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  1. What a beautiful, practical and insightful article Eric.
    Thank you for that.

    Here are a couple of things I do myself to simplify and improve my life:
    Spirituality -> I meditate each day (around 10-15 minutes)
    Exercise -> I go outside for a walk or a run almost daily
    Social media -> I don’t have social apps on my phone
    Decluttering -> I don’t own a lot of stuff. If something is useless, I sell it and give it
    Focus on the meaningful -> I focus on health, family and building things I love
    Be friendly -> I try to listen more than I talk
    Practice positivity -> I surround myself with inspiring words and quotes

    1. Hi Maxime. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Those are some pretty good ways you simplify your life. I recently started meditating again myself.

  2. Maria Pinto says:

    I liked Maura’s Ted X talk & how she spoke of the children in India. Even though I have no children I liked her attitude about bringing up her daughter with the values of Minimalism & Simplicity, & taking control of what gifts people should buy.(maybe it sounds wrong to some people) but she does not want a houseful of stuff that the baby doesn’t need.

    Having a routine is so very important as I’ve said before too. In these very uncertain times the mind can easily spin out of control and make our days worse so for me having the quiet time to listen to music, exercise, & meditate are so important.

    1. Indeed, it’s quite nice to know there are children learning the value of simplicity early in life. And that’s so true about having a routine. I’m slowly getting better at having one in my own life. Waking up early, having breakfast, and meditating daily.

  3. Maria Pinto says:

    Well back when I was working I was up at 5:00 every morning (with the help of an alarm clock) but now with my 1 1/2 year old cat (yes you heard me right) , he wakes me up about 2:00 each morning! But now I am in bed around 8:00 to 9:00. It is so quite that early in the morning you can almost hear a pin drop.

    I used this time in the last few days to put on some Christmas Music (I especially like The Vienna Boy’s Choir) & made out my Christmas Cards.

  4. Thank you Eric. I enjoyed reading this very much. I have been practicing simplifying my life for around seven years. Although I believe intuitively, I’ve always preferred simplicity. Now I am mindfully moving towards it.

    1. You’re welcome, John. I’m glad you enjoyed reading this article and I hope life continues to get simpler for you.

  5. Thank you so much. Your article has really changed alot about me
    Godwin from Nigeria

    1. That’s great, Godwin. I’m glad to hear that.