50 Princess Bride Trivia Questions and Answers

Embark on a whimsical journey through the land of Florin with this comprehensive The Princess Bride trivia challenge. Whether you’re an avid fan who’s recited Inigo Montoya’s famous lines or a newcomer curious about Westley and Buttercup’s adventures, these 50 questions will test your knowledge and rekindle your love for this classic story. How well do you know the inconceivable tales from “Princess Bride”? Dive in and find out!

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1. Who is the author of the book ‘The Princess Bride’?

2. Which character says the famous line, ‘As you wish’?

3. Who is Buttercup engaged to?

4. Which character is a skilled swordsman seeking revenge for his father’s death?

5. What does Vizzini repeatedly exclaim when something unexpected happens?

6. Who is the giant in the story?

7. Which character is a former ruler turned torturer?

8. What is the name of the dangerous forest Westley and Buttercup navigate?

9. Who saves Buttercup from the shrieking eels?

10. Who does Inigo Montoya seek revenge against?

11. Which character constantly rhymes until being told to stop?

12. What is the name of the legendary bluffer swordfight between Westley and Inigo?

13. Who does Miracle Max say he used to work for?

14. Why does Miracle Max agree to help Westley?

15. What does Miracle Max give to Westley to revive him?

16. Which character is known to wear a mask for a portion of the story?

17. Who challenges Vizzini to a battle of wits?

18. Which character captures Buttercup at the start?

19. Why does Buttercup agree to marry Prince Humperdinck?

20. What animal noise does Prince Humperdinck use to track Buttercup in the Fire Swamp?

21. What does Westley fear more than death?

22. What obstacle in the Fire Swamp emits a popping sound before erupting?

23. What is Miracle Max’s wife’s name?

24. What does the Albino do at the Pit of Despair?

25. What does Westley say to Buttercup after she pushes him down a hill?

26. What device is used to torture Westley to the brink of death?

27. Who is responsible for creating the Machine?

28. What challenge does Westley face right after scaling the Cliffs of Insanity?

29. What is the title of the sequel to ‘The Princess Bride’ teased at the end of the book?

30. What does Inigo say when he can’t find the secret knot to open the Pit of Despair?

31. What is the final challenge Buttercup and Westley face in the Fire Swamp?

32. What is the name of the Princess Bride’s homeland?

33. Why does Inigo want a six-fingered sword?

34. Who discovers that Westley is only ‘mostly dead’?

35. Who does Fezzik impersonate to storm the castle?

36. Why does Buttercup agree to go with Vizzini?

37. Which character is known for using his agility in fights?

38. Who tells the young boy, ‘Life is pain’?

39. Who helps Inigo and Fezzik with their plan to rescue Westley?

40. What is Prince Humperdinck’s favorite pastime?

41. Which character is known for his incredible strength?

42. What word does Vizzini challenge Westley to define during their battle of wits?

43. Who assures Buttercup that she won’t be harmed in the Fire Swamp?

44. What is the main theme of ‘The Princess Bride’?

45. Which character is responsible for the plan to storm the castle?

46. Who captures Inigo and Fezzik after Vizzini’s death?

47. How does Westley reassure Buttercup of his intentions?

48. What lesson does the grandfather hope to teach the boy with the story?

49. How does the story of ‘The Princess Bride’ conclude?

50. Who is the most feared pirate in ‘The Princess Bride’?

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