91 Psychology Trivia Questions and Answers

Dive deep into the fascinating realm of the human mind with our collection of psychology trivia questions. From groundbreaking experiments and renowned psychologists to cognitive biases and therapeutic methods, this compilation offers a tantalizing mix of the intriguing and informative. Whether you’re a seasoned psychology enthusiast or just curious about the intricacies of human behavior, these 91 questions will entertain and enlighten. Test your knowledge and discover something new about the world of psychology!

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1. Who is considered the father of modern psychology?

2. Which psychological disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings?

3. What term refers to the innate drive to seek pleasure and avoid pain?

4. What is the ‘Little Albert’ experiment known for?

5. Which neurotransmitter is associated with pleasure and reward?

6. Which part of the brain regulates basic life functions like heartbeat and breathing?

7. What is the effect where people perform better when being observed?

8. Which therapy uses free association and dream analysis?

9. What is the name of the bias where the most recent information is recalled best?

10. Which psychologist proposed the hierarchy of needs?

11. In which type of conditioning is behavior reinforced after a set number of responses?

12. What phenomenon describes when a person is less likely to take action when in a group?

13. What is the memory process of retaining information over time?

14. Which type of amnesia involves loss of past memories?

15. What term describes a false memory or belief?

16. What theory suggests that emotions are the result of physiological reactions?

17. Who developed the theory of operant conditioning?

18. Which test uses ambiguous inkblots to analyze personality?

19. Who proposed the triarchic theory of intelligence?

20. What is the fear of small spaces called?

21. Which lobe of the brain is associated with visual processing?

22. What is the concept that behaviors rewarded are more likely to be repeated?

23. Which psychologist wrote ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’?

24. Who introduced the idea of the collective unconscious?

25. Which cognitive bias leads people to believe they are less at risk than others?

26. Who developed the stages of cognitive development in children?

27. What term describes the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions?

28. Which phenomenon occurs when a group’s decision-making is impaired by group pressures?

29. Who introduced the term ‘inferiority complex’?

30. Which principle states that performance improves with arousal but only up to a point?

31. Who theorized the Oedipus and Electra complexes?

32. What is the term for a stimulus that triggers a physiological response?

33. Which therapy focuses on client-centered solutions and positive self-growth?

34. Which branch of psychology focuses on the mind and behavior of animals?

35. What is the state of being aware of one’s feelings, thoughts, and environment?

36. Which bias involves making decisions based on easily available information?

37. Who proposed the two-factor theory of emotion?

38. What is the fear of public speaking called?

39. Which branch of psychology studies the changes that occur throughout the lifespan?

40. Who is known for pioneering the study of child development?

41. Which part of the brain is associated with emotions and memory?

42. What phenomenon refers to the decline in sensitivity to a constant stimulus?

43. What principle states that stimuli which are different are easier to differentiate?

44. Which memory system has a virtually unlimited capacity?

45. What is the phenomenon where individuals assume someone else will take action in a crisis?

46. Which term refers to the innermost core of personality?

47. Who coined the term ‘behaviorism’?

48. What concept refers to the human need to belong and be accepted by others?

49. Which cognitive bias causes people to believe their own group is superior?

50. Who developed the theory of attachment in children?

51. Which psychologist emphasized the importance of social learning in human behavior?

52. Which therapy focuses on the interaction between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?

53. What is the theory that behaviors can be described as a result of genes and environment?

54. Which psychologist is known for his work on intelligence testing?

55. What term describes a mental image or representation?

56. Who proposed the five stages of grief?

57. Which cognitive bias makes people remember uncompleted tasks better than completed ones?

58. What term refers to the gap between what we know and what we want to know?

59. What’s the study of the influences of genes on behavior called?

60. What is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things?

61. Who is known for the theory of conditioned reflexes?

62. What term refers to the repetition of a research study to verify its results?

63. Who proposed the three levels of consciousness: conscious, preconscious, and unconscious?

64. Which term describes an expectation influencing the outcome of an experiment?

65. Who coined the term ‘introvert’ and ‘extravert’?

66. What is the tendency to maintain beliefs even after they are proven wrong?

67. Which region of the brain plays a major role in balance and motor coordination?

68. Who developed the concept of ‘flow’ in psychology?

69. What phenomenon describes our tendency to view past events as having been predictable?

70. Which theory posits that memories are not static but can be changed over time?

71. Who proposed the idea that children’s moral reasoning evolves over time?

72. Which part of the neuron receives messages from other cells?

73. What phenomenon explains why we often prefer things we’re familiar with?

74. Which term refers to the study of abnormal behaviors and psychological disorders?

75. What is the fear of heights called?

76. Who is known for the ‘strange situation’ experiment on attachment?

77. Which cognitive bias involves favoring information that confirms one’s preconceptions?

78. What process involves reducing the intensity of sensory information?

79. Which term describes a strong, irrational fear of something?

80. Who introduced the idea of positive psychology?

81. What is the primary neurotransmitter involved in the fight-or-flight response?

82. Which psychologist is best known for his experiments on obedience?

83. What describes the tendency to overestimate the extent to which others share our beliefs?

84. Which term refers to the way we interpret, analyze, and organize information?

85. What’s the phenomenon where exposure to a stimulus influences response to a later stimulus?

86. Who formulated the stages of psychosocial development?

87. Which term describes our tendency to judge probabilities based on how easily examples come to mind?

88. Who introduced the four stages of cognitive development?

89. What refers to the state of intense absorption in an activity to the exclusion of everything else?

90. Who suggested that intelligence is composed of multiple distinct abilities?

91. What term refers to a period of rapid brain development in the early years of life?

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