153 Animal Trivia Questions And Answers

These Animal trivia questions and answers will be a fun challenge to your animal knowledge. There are so many different species of creatures in our big blue world. 

Our animal trivia questions will cover all animals, big and small. Find out fun facts about sloths, camels, and so much more. 

Impress all your family and friends with what you know about animals. Enjoy these animal trivia questions and answers. If you like our animal trivia, check out our trivia on Science, Rock Trivia, Dinosaur Trivia, Bird Trivia, Dogs, and Cats.

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Animal Trivia Questions

1. Approximately how many new animal species are discovered each year?

2. How long does it take for a sloth to digest its food?

3. What is stored in a camel’s humps? 

4. Jellyfish are made up of what percentage of water? 

5. Which animal has three hearts? 

6. What animal has the largest eyes in the world? 

7. Which marine mammals hold hands while they sleep to avoid drifting apart?

8. What animals have their hearts inside their heads? 

9. What is the only fish that can blink with both eyes? 

10. What animal sleeps up to 22 hours each day?

11. What kind of fish is known for having green bones?

12. What was the first animal to be domesticated by humans? 

13. What animals have the best hearing? 

14. Which animal has 32 brains?

15. Which animal species is the only one where the males carry and birth the babies? 

16. Which animal mates for life and gives pebbles to its chosen mate? 

17. What is the only mammal that can fly?

18. What animal has the best eyesight?

19. Which animal has a name based on the Greek word meaning “river horse”?

20. What causes a flamingo to be pink?

21. Which animal has both striped fur and striped skin? 

22. Which animal has a tongue that can be as long as its body?

23. What is the deadliest animal on the planet?

24. What species of fish mate for life?

25. What color is a flamingo when it’s born? 

26. What is the most venomous animal in the world?

27. What is the smallest animal in the world?

28. What animal has the strongest bite in the world?

29. On average, how much does a blue whale weigh at birth?

30. What color is a polar bear’s skin?

31. Which type of big cat is the only one that doesn’t roar? 

32. Which breed of dog is the oldest? 

33. What animal has the longest lifespan?

34. Which land animal has the longest tail? 

35. What animal is the closest living relative to a T-rex?

36. Which bird is the only one to have only two toes on each foot? 

37. What is a rhino horn made of? 

38. Approximately how many different species of lizards are there? 

39. About how many hours a day does a panda spend eating? 

40. What is the largest species of shark?

41. Which mammal lays eggs?

42. What is the fastest land animal?

43. Which bird is known for its elaborate courtship dance?

44. Which bird can fly backwards?

45. What is the smallest breed of dog?

46. What is a group of lions called?

47. What is the national bird of the United States?

48. Which animal has the highest blood pressure?

49. What is a baby kangaroo called?

50. Which animal has the largest brain?

51. What is the tallest bird in the world?

52. What is the smallest bird in the world?

53. Which is the largest land animal?

54. Which bird migrates the farthest?

55. Which animal has the most legs?

56. What is a baby rabbit called?

57. Which mammal has the most teeth?

58. What is the world’s most poisonous spider?

59. Which animal is the symbol of peace?

60. What is a group of crows called?

61. Which bird has the largest wingspan?

62. What is the national animal of Canada?

63. Which mammal can fly?

64. What is the most common bird in the world?

65. What is a baby goat called?

66. What animal is known for carrying its home on its back?

67. Which insect can live without its head?

68. Which bird is known as the ‘symbol of knowledge’?

69. What is the world’s largest rodent?

70. What is the average lifespan of a house cat?

71. What is a baby horse called?

72. What is the national bird of New Zealand?

73. Which mammal can hold its breath the longest underwater?

74. What is the national bird of India?

75. What is a group of dolphins called?

76. What is the world’s smallest fish?

77. What is a baby elephant called?

78. Which animal is known for its laugh?

79. Which bird builds the largest nest?

80. What is a group of jellyfish called?

81. What is the fastest sea animal?

82. Which bird lays the largest egg in relation to its size?

83. Which insect is the strongest relative to its size?

84. What is a baby deer called?

85. What is a group of owls called?

86. What is a baby duck called?

87. What is the largest species of penguin?

88. What is the largest species of butterfly?

89. Which animal never sleeps?

90. What is the smallest species of monkey?

91. Which animal has the longest pregnancy?

92. Which animal has a heart that weighs over 1500 pounds?

93. What is the tallest breed of dog?

94. What is a group of kangaroos called?

95. What is the smallest breed of cat?

96. What is the national animal of Scotland?

97. Which bird can mimic human speech?

98. Which animal has the thickest fur in the world?

99. What is a baby swan called?

100. What is a baby turkey called?

101. What is a group of ravens called?

102. What is a group of flamingos called?

103. Which mammal can’t jump?

105. Which bird is often associated with delivering babies?

106. What is the largest land predator?

107. What is a group of fish commonly called?

108. What is the fastest bird in the world?

109. What is the national bird of Australia?

110. What is the national animal of China?

111. What is the lifespan of a dragonfly?

112. What is the heaviest snake in the world?

113. Which bird is the international symbol of happiness?

114. Which is the smallest species of shark?

115. What is a baby swan called?

116. Which is the largest species of tiger?

117. Which bird can recognize themselves in a mirror?

118. What is the largest type of deer?

119. Which bird has the widest wingspan?

120. What is the smallest breed of penguin?

121. What type of animal is a komodo dragon?

122. What is a baby donkey called?

123. Which mammal has the thickest fur?

124. What is a group of turkeys called?

125. What is the world’s smallest mammal by mass?

126. What is a group of rhinos called?

127. What is the tallest breed of horse?

128. What is a group of pandas called?

129. Which animal is the only predator of the great white shark?

130. What is a baby goose called?

131. Which bird has eyes that are larger than its brain?

132. What is a baby ferret called?

133. Which animal can rotate its head 360 degrees?

134. Which bird is the symbol of good luck?

135. What is the national bird of Canada?

136. What is a group of frogs called?

137. What is a group of bees called?

138. Which is the only mammal that can’t jump?

139. Which is the most venomous fish in the world?

140. What is a baby zebra called?

141. Which bird can hover in mid-air?

142. What is the lifespan of a housefly?

143. Which is the largest species of tortoise?

144. What is a group of kittens called?

145. What is a baby hedgehog called?

146. Which animal has the best sense of smell?

147. What is a baby shark called?

148. What is the lifespan of a mosquito?

149. What is the largest breed of domestic cat?

150. What is the lifespan of a queen bee?

151. What is a group of whales called?

152. What is a baby alpaca called?

153. What is the lifespan of a parrot?

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