10 Back to School Tips For Students (2023)

If you’re getting ready to head back to school, you’re probably hopeful that you’ll have great grades this year. These back to school tips for students will help get your study habits in check.

Having a game plan will help you be prepared to take on whatever comes at you this school year. Our back to school tips for students are based on loads of scientific research proven to help students be successful.

Don’t be afraid to set new routines when it comes to doing homework and studying. Here are some back to school tips for students that can potentially improve your success in the classroom this school year.

Back to school tips for students

1. Switch up your studying space

A study found that changing the scenery of where you do your studying can increase your productivity. In an experiment on good study habits, students were tested on a list of words they studied.

The ones who studied them in two different rooms did better than the ones who only studied them in one room. When deciding where to switch your studying space, choose a place that doesn’t have as many distractions.

2. Study near nature

A study conducted by the University of Illinois concluded that the more trees that surrounded a school, the better students performed on academic tests. It’s believed that there’s a cause-and-effect relationship between being around nature and learning.

Students who are around more nature have less disruptive behavior, improved concentration, and more classroom engagement. Try doing your homework or studying in a nature setting such as a park from time to time.

3. Maintain good fitness

University of Illinois researchers found that students who had a higher cardiovascular fitness did better on cognitive tests. You can prepare yourself to be at your best mentally by getting yourself at your best physically.

There are recommended fitness guidelines that you can try to follow throughout the school year. See how much it makes a difference in your ability to succeed academically.

4. Go to bed early for better academic performance

The Journal of Sleep Research published a study that concluded high school students who go to bed between 10 and 11 p.m. get better grades. It confirmed the relationship between poor academic performance and sleep problems.

In particular, having a short sleep and a deficit of a sleep were shown to be the highest predictor for poor school performance. If you struggle with getting to sleep early, try these sleep tips to help you get better rest at night.

5. Meditate before your lectures

Students at a California university were asked to follow meditation instructions before the lecture in their class. The results showed that students who meditated before their lecture scored better on their quizzes than those who didn’t.

Learn how to practice meditation and try doing it before your classes. The researchers also argue that just doing anything involving self-reflection, such as praying or taking walks, may help improve your performance in your classes.

6. Eat a balanced breakfast

The University of Iowa conducted a study that found free school breakfasts help low-income students have better academic performance. Achievement scores were higher across all subjects such as math, reading, and science. Here’s what’s recommended for a daily balanced breakfast.

7. Attend your classes regularly

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, students who attended school regularly have higher levels of academic achievement than those who don’t. It was also found that persistent absenteeism was more likely to lead to students dropping out of school. Make it habit to go to your classes as often as possible.

8. Have study buddies

UCLA researchers concluded that those who have friends that attend the same school had higher GPAs than those who didn’t. They believe this is the case because in-school friends tend to be more achievement-oriented and support school-related activities since they’re in the same environment.

See if you can find one person in each class you can talk to or befriend. It might make it easier for you to face your academic challenges having that support.

9. Consider taking music classes

A study from the University of British Columbia found that high school students who take music courses score higher on English, math, and science exams. The relationship between music education and academic achievement were strongest for those who took instrumental music classes.

See if you can add an instrumental music class into your school schedule. If you’re unable to, perhaps try taking instrument lessons outside of school.

10. Believe you know a lot

Researchers at Baylor University concluded that those who have a high sense of their own intelligence tend to perform better academically. It came as a surprise as the researchers had thought those who were more intellectually humble would perform better.

Make it habit to be confident in your intellectual abilities. You can use these research-backed tips on how to be more confident to help you feel better about yourself.

Final thoughts on academic achievement

Chalkboard with chalk

It takes a combination of good habits and effort to do well in school. You’ve now gained knowledge of some of the best habits that can help you have achievements in your classes.

Now it’s up to you to put in the effort by regularly employing some or all of these habits into your routine. As you choose to do that, you’ll help give yourself the best chance to get high grades in school.

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