There’s Always Something To Be Thankful For

“There is always something to be grateful for”

– Rhonda Byrne

As fall approaches and we get closer to November, many people will begin reflecting on what they’re thankful for this year. For myself so far, I’m grateful for some of the new journeys I’ve started.

I’ve tied the knot, moved into a new apartment, and have begun to establish a new life for myself. You may be grateful for being physically well or just having a roof over your head.

But sometimes in the midst of daily struggles and challenges, you begin to feel like there’s nothing to appreciate in life. Maybe you’re dealing with chronic pain right now. Perhaps you’re dealing with a lot of stress from a difficult situation.

In spite of that, as long as we’re still alive, we can always be glad for at least one thing that’s good. If you feel unsure of what good you have to appreciate, here are some reminders of what you can always be glad for.

6 Reminders of What You Can Always Be Glad For

Decorated wooden table outside

1. You can always be thankful for being alive

“No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each morning and be thankful you still have one.”

– Unknown

You may not be waking up in the best of circumstances, but many people today didn’t wake up to any circumstances at all. Instead, they left this earth in their sleep or in some other fashion, and can no longer appreciate the things they enjoy in life.

It can be a good practice to wake up everyday and just take a moment to appreciate the blessing of just still breathing and living. You may not feel the best, but you’re still here to potentially feel better, and feel more good things than bad hopefully.

If you’re one of those people that’s unsure what to give thanks for around the Thanksgiving table, give thanks for waking up today. Be glad you can still have chances to experience and feel great things in life.

2. You can always be thankful for people

“Always be grateful for those people in life who give you love. Because they don’t have to, but they choose to.”

– Unknown

Initially this may sound strange to you, because maybe you really don’t like the people around you. It might also be the case you live alone with no one near you.

But still, all of us can always be thankful for people. Do you know how much people are required in order for us to have the lives we have? Here’s a short list of just a few of the types of people we can all be appreciative for having in our community.

  • Power company workers
  • Food workers
  • Grocery workers
  • Sanitation workers
  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Firefighters
  • Emergency Responders
  • Officers
  • Volunteers

This list could go on. Even if you don’t have many friends or family, the one person you can also always be glad for is yourself. You can show yourself appreciation for all the hard work and effort you put in to give yourself a happy life.

3. You can always be thankful for good memories

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”

– Dr. Seuss

I would guess everyone reading this has had at least one good memory they can think back on in life. Even if it was something small like playing in the park as a child, that’s still a memory to look back on with gratitude.

Take a moment to reflect on those moments in your life. Pick out a few that were some of your favorites. It might make you feel good to close your eyes and vividly put yourself back in that time.

These good memories can potentially help lift you up on your worst days. Make it habit to focus on less of the bad ones and more of the good ones.

4. You can always be thankful for laughter

“Life is better when you’re laughing.”

– Unknown

Even though life can be very serious sometimes, we can always be glad for laughter to lessen the stress of it all. You can reflect on the times you found something really funny.

You can watch one of your favorite comedians or talk to someone who can always get you to laugh. Appreciate that feeling of letting out a good laugh when you need it.

5. You can always be thankful for alone time

“Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company.”

– Unknown

Some of us can have a harder time getting alone than others. But perhaps a majority of us are able to get at least one moment in our day by ourselves. That moment may be as simple as just having five minutes in the bathroom.

Appreciate every minute you get to just be with yourself. Be glad to experience not having to live or act in a certain way because you know somebody else is in the room. Sometimes it’s the little joys that can make a big difference in keeping us going in life.

6. If you’re religious, you can always be thankful for God

“I am thankful to God for the grace of being alive.”

– Lailah Gifty Akita

I think everyone could find at least one thing on this list to always be appreciative of. If you happen to be religious, you can always be grateful for God in your life.

Take time to do things that help you to feel spiritually connected. You can pray, read scripture, go to church, or just choose to be out in nature.

Think of all the blessings you have in life currently. You can give thanks to God for having those things.

Final thoughts

We don’t always have a lot to be grateful for in life, but there’s always at least one thing we can appreciate having. Remembering what we’re thankful for can help keep us in a more positive and peaceful state of mind.

You can make it your mission to find one thing everyday that makes you glad. Challenge yourself to see more of the good in your life than the bad. Feel free to share anything that you’re always thankful for in the comments.

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