Welcome to the Futurama Trivia Challenge! From the brilliant mind of Matt Groening, “Futurama” has become a staple in the world of animated television. Set in the 31st century, this series follows the adventures of Philip J. Fry, Bender, Leela, and the rest of the Planet Express crew. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual viewer, this trivia is designed to test your knowledge and dive deep into the hilarious, quirky, and sometimes heartwarming universe of “Futurama”. So buckle up, grab a can of Slurm, and let’s see how well you know the world of tomorrow!
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1. Who created ‘Futurama’? Reveal Answer Matt Groening 2. What is Fry’s full name? Reveal Answer Philip J. Fry 3. Where does Fry work in the 31st century? Reveal Answer Planet Express 4. What is Bender’s primary function? Reveal Answer Bending 5. Which character is a Cyclops? Reveal Answer Leela 6. Who is the elderly, wealthy owner of Planet Express? Reveal Answer Professor Farnsworth 7. What is Bender’s full name? Reveal Answer Bender Bending Rodriguez 8. Who has a crush on Leela? Reveal Answer Fry 9. Which doctor operates on multiple species? Reveal Answer Dr. Zoidberg 10. Which character is known for saying ‘Good news everyone!’? Reveal Answer Professor Farnsworth 11. What is Leela’s pet’s name? Reveal Answer Nibbler 12. Where is Hermes Conrad from? Reveal Answer Jamaica 13. What’s the name of the bureaucrat robot? Reveal Answer URL 14. Who is the Asian-American Planet Express intern? Reveal Answer Amy Wong 15. What instrument does Fry play? Reveal Answer Holophonor 16. Which character loves ‘Bachelor Chow’? Reveal Answer Fry 17. What beverage is Fry obsessed with? Reveal Answer Slurm 18. Who captains the Nimbus? Reveal Answer Zapp Brannigan 19. Which character has a crush on Amy? Reveal Answer Kif 20. Who is Kif’s commanding officer? Reveal Answer Zapp Brannigan 21. Where did Fry work in the 20th century? Reveal Answer Panucci’s Pizza 22. What is the Planet Express ship’s main color? Reveal Answer Green 23. What year did Fry get frozen? Reveal Answer 1999 24. In what year does Fry wake up? Reveal Answer 2999 25. Which planet is the source of ‘Slurm’? Reveal Answer Wormulon 26. Who runs the ‘Suicide Booth’? Reveal Answer Stop’n’Drop 27. Which character is famous for saying ‘Woop woop woop!’? Reveal Answer Dr. Zoidberg 28. Who is Amy’s wealthy parent’s business? Reveal Answer Wong Ranch 29. What does Bender often say when stressed or frightened? Reveal Answer Neat! 30. Who is Bender’s best friend? Reveal Answer Fry 31. Which mutant lives in the sewers and is Leela’s friend? Reveal Answer Dwayne 32. Who is Leela’s singing boil? Reveal Answer Susan 33. What’s the name of the karaoke-singing alien? Reveal Answer Lrrr 34. Where is Lrrr from? Reveal Answer Omicron Persei 8 35. Who tried to steal Earth’s monuments? Reveal Answer V-GINY 36. Which character communicates through beeps? Reveal Answer Tinny Tim 37. What name does Bender take as a folk singer? Reveal Answer Ramblin’ Rodriguez 38. Which liquid sustains Bender’s functions? Reveal Answer Alcohol 39. What is Fry’s nephew’s name? Reveal Answer Philip J. Fry II 40. Who is the famous 20th-century actor preserved as a head? Reveal Answer Leonard Nimoy 41. Which opera is Fry’s masterpiece? Reveal Answer The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings 42. What is Planet Express’s motto? Reveal Answer Our crew is replaceable, your package isn’t. 43. Who is Fry’s roommate in the future? Reveal Answer Bender 44. Which fast-food chain became a major religion? Reveal Answer Church of Robotology 45. What game does Fry become skilled at in the 31st century? Reveal Answer Deathball 46. Who is the gangster of love? Reveal Answer Donbot 47. Which character doesn’t wear shoes? Reveal Answer Zoidberg 48. What’s Bender’s favorite exclamation? Reveal Answer Bite my shiny metal ass! 49. What magazine does Fry read about ‘What Robots Want’? Reveal Answer Playbot 50. What soft drink brings Santa Claus to life? Reveal Answer Slurm 51. Who becomes ruler of Earth after winning a card game? Reveal Answer Zapp Brannigan 52. What currency is commonly used in the 31st century? Reveal Answer Dollar 53. What is Kif’s species? Reveal Answer Amphibiosan 54. Who is the mayor of New New York? Reveal Answer Mayor Poopenmeyer 55. Which robot is Bender’s evil twin? Reveal Answer Flexo 56. Which robot mafia member has a gun arm? Reveal Answer Clamps 57. Who is a giant stone alien? Reveal Answer The Borax Kid 58. What item does Fry look for at the start of his future journey? Reveal Answer His lucky clover 59. Which character has a tattoo of Bender? Reveal Answer Amy Wong 60. Which character is Zoidberg’s uncle? Reveal Answer Harold Zoid 61. What’s the main mode of public transportation in New New York? Reveal Answer Tube Transport System 62. What is Leela’s birth name? Reveal Answer Turanga Leela 63. What animal does Zapp Brannigan have as a pet? Reveal Answer Velour Fog 64. Who voiced the Hyper-Chicken lawyer? Reveal Answer Maurice LaMarche 65. What’s the name of Bender’s son? Reveal Answer Ben 66. Who was Bender’s first love? Reveal Answer Angleyne 67. Which character owns a pet snake? Reveal Answer Amy Wong 68. Who is Fry’s love interest from the past? Reveal Answer Michelle 69. Which band is responsible for the anthem of Earth? Reveal Answer Beastie Boys 70. Who wrote the 31st century’s most popular song? Reveal Answer Ken Keeler 71. Which machine predicts the manner of one’s death? Reveal Answer Death Clock 72. What’s Bender’s manufacturing company? Reveal Answer MomCorp 73. Which empire did Lrrr rule? Reveal Answer The Omicronian Empire 74. Who is known for saying ‘Shut up and take my money!’? Reveal Answer Fry 75. What brand of beer is popular in the 31st century? Reveal Answer Duff Beer 76. Who is Planet Express’s rival company? Reveal Answer Mom’s Friendly Delivery Company 77. Which character works in the bureaucracy? Reveal Answer Hermes Conrad 78. Which opera house hosts Fry’s opera? Reveal Answer The Hollywood Bowl 79. What animal is associated with the anchovy extinction? Reveal Answer Humans 80. Which ancient organization does Hermes belong to? Reveal Answer The Stonecutters 81. What arcade game is Fry unbeatable at? Reveal Answer Asteroids 82. Who becomes a Pharaoh on Osiris 4? Reveal Answer Bender 83. Which character says ‘That’s using your ass!’? Reveal Answer Morbo Sharing is Caring: